Beatlegacy - Sold out!

By Deane Center For The Performing Arts (other events)

Friday, February 9 2024 7:30 PM 9:30 PM EDT

‘BEATLEGACY - Beatlemania and Beyond/The Ultimate Experience’ is a stunning audio/visual recreation tribute to The Beatles.

Tickets are $30, and we will have table seating, which is the standard for our BYOB shows. There are General Admissions risers in the back of the theatre and the opportunity to rent a table in the middle and front of the theatre. A small table is an additional $5 and seats 2-4 people. A large table is an additional $10 and seats 6-8 people. The only way to rent a table is to call our office at 570-724-6220. If you are sitting at someone else's already reserved table, please write their name in the prompt listed in the buyer questions.


Mailing Address

104 Wellsboro, PA PO Box 102 16901